Good Price Irritable Bowel Syndrome & the Mind-Body Brain-Gut Connection: 8 Steps for Living a Healthy Life with a Functiona (The Mind-Body by Parkview Publishing
Irritable Bowel Syndrome & the Mind-Body Brain-Gut Connection: 8 Steps for Living a Healthy Life with a Functiona (The Mind-Body review
Irritable Bowel Syndrome & the Mind-Body Brain-Gut Connection: 8 Steps for Living a Healthy Life with a Functiona (The Mind-Body , Gastroenterologist Salt approaches irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a disorder that affects one out of five Americans, with an eight-week, 12-step program emphasizing a mind-body approach to the problem. To relieve such symptoms as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, nausea, indigestion, and gas, he suggests and explains conventional and holistic strategies that focus on the brain-gut link. Avoidance of jargon and a clear writing style geared to a general reading level make the information more accessible to a larger audience than is the case with most consumer health texts in this field (e.g., Henry D. Janowitz's Your Gut Feelings, LJ 9/1/87). Another plus is the frequent citing of sources and suggested other readings. Salt covers the subject thoroughly, yet his lively, illustrated text escapes the dullness of most works on this subject. Essential for most consumer health collections. [This is the first title in the publisher's "The Mind-Body Connection" series.?Ed.].?KellyJo Houtz Griffin, Auburn, Wash.-.?KellyJo Houtz Griffin, Auburn, Wash.Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc. And Now get Best price.View More
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